The owner / creator behind Moratto Amp Shop is Steve Moratto. He has been servicing amps, building replicas, and developing new circuits for over 10 years. He has been working in the area of effect pedals for the past 6 years. His unique differentiating talent lies in his ability to translate the tone you desire into the tone that your amp emits. Since Steve has a strong sense of subtle tone differences, his clientele benefits from an unparalleled understanding of each guitarists' dream tone. This service can be continually tweaked on these point to point creations for future modifications, or any change the player may want.
Along with the amp world, there is the world of effects. Although Steve's offerings are still expanding, those pedals and effects he currently offers are unique and built to withstand today's demanding standards. Particular attention has been placed those pedals that have completely original circuitry. The research and development side of things is constantly working at developing new products (with both amps and especially pedals).
Steve Moratto
